The Facebook read: not exactly a brilliant idea

The "Read Facebook" is certainly very bad idea, from several points of view. Meanwhile, the idea can not part with even Facebook is terrible in bed, then I doubt that will work for just simply a question of balance.

The bed is built like a huge "F" of Facebook (the writing on the side will be Added to leave no doubt, you see), and is the same color blue so dear to Mark Zuckerberg. The "leg" of F is where you should sleep, and it seems a bit 'short to be comfortable.

The bar goes instead to form an area-integrated computer chair, or rather back. At a guess, it must be with his legs crossed. There is a shelf for the keyboard, and a space for the monitor. The concept is not very friendly to the laptop, or for human life.

Given that the area-computer is literally suspended in air, for reasons of gravity as I have the impression that if the bed is ballasted with granite, anyone who tries to take place to make a humble status update will be catapulted along with monitor and keyboard to the ground over the bed.

Maybe, just maybe, it's a better idea off or tablet computers, smartphones and put him in office to go to sleep in a normal bed.

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