J5 Wormhole Switch: easy file transfers between Macs and PCs

The J5 Wormhole Switch is able to do something that was that it was a chimera: connect a PC to a Mac via USB and transfer files simply and easily from one to another.

Science fiction? I would feel ready to think even I, who for years with the PC lot of friends and relatives to transfer movies and other large files. Instead this special cable can magically created by the American J5Create to communicate "dog and cat". But it also works between two PCs or Macs, so there's a good reason to always have it handy with your other notebook accessories.

No need to network, even the driver. By linking the two can even control the pointer on the other computer with your mouse. Indeed, rather the two patterns are "connected" as if they were one, and you go from one side to another without barriers. At this point you can imagine the following: it is sufficient to transfer files via drag with drag & drop.

The price is $ 40. Given the volume of headaches that solves, is generally quite small.

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