Scientists Discover New Species of Ancient Man

The team of scientists discovered two human ancestor that lived together around millions of years ago. Scientists find hominid fossils in the area Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia.
As reported Machineslikeus, Thursday (3/29/2012), the fossils are not a member of the famous human ancestor, Australopithecus afarensis or commonly known as Lucy. This study reveals new findings that point to more than one species of human ancestor who lived in the beginning between 3 to 4 million years ago.
Some fossils have been found in previous leg in February 2009 in the Burtele. "The fossil foot in the Burtele show that they have lived 3.4 million years ago, in the Lucy species that walked on two legs standing use. But they are not the only species that live in the area of ​​ancient Ethiopia," said Yohannes Haile-Selassie, author and project leader of physical anthropology at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
According to John, the discovery of new fossil partial foot is the first evidence for the presence of at least two pre-human species with different modes of living in East Africa approximately 3.4 million years ago. "This discovery is quite surprising. Fossil bones show like we (modern man) who had never seen before." added Bruce Latimer of Case Western Reserve University.
These fossils been recorded under a layer of sand. By using a method called argon-argon radioactive. One team of scientists Beverly Saylor said the discovery of these fossils close to the fossil fish, crocodiles and turtles. Physical and chemical characteristics of the sediments indicate an environment where early humans lived species is close to the river and the delta as well as an open forest of overgrown trees and shrubs.
"This is in accordance with the fossils that we found, suggests early humans lived in the area of ​​trees, while Lucy's species live on land," he added. The analysis of the fossil discovery is published in the journal Nature on March 29, 2012.

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