Turbulent times for offshore wind farms - TSO zoffen further

The four German transmission system operators argue over the grid connection of offshore wind farms. Especially in the criticism it gets, the transmission system operator Tennet. The other three operators - Amprion, 50Hertz and EnBW - are concerned that they are taken for the current problems in Tennet joint liability and call the Federal Network Agency to help. "We will not participate in the socialization of Tennet problems. This is simply not reasonable, "it says in one of three operators. They have little understanding of the situation in Tennet. The extent of offshore projects has been announced as the Dutch parent, the former Eon-transmission system was purchased in early 2010. "The projects have not fallen from heaven," said a manager of a transmission system operator, the "Handelsblatt" (Monday edition). In another operator, it means you have some doubt whether Tennet would drive the project forward really.
Finally, the Dutch parent company fully owned by the top-rated Dutch government.

"There should be no problem to finance on its feet," it says. Tennet is purchasing the former Eon transmission network entered into a commitment that the company had to meet now. The Tennet management recognizes that the financing of the grid connection of offshore wind farms is difficult.

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