Asus PadFone: arriving from April to 725 €?

After a year of ads, presentations and demonstrations smartphone-laptop-tablet hybrid Asus is finally ready to debut on the market. Asus PadFone will be launched April 20 in Taiwan but the availability will be limited initially to Singapore, Hong Kong and strangely Germany with other European states to follow.

There is already talk of prices and as we feared for some time, are not exactly available to everyone. The localization of Engadget Chinese talking about costs $ 610 for smartphones only, $ 240 for the tablet dock and $ 100 for the extra key, which when added together become the equivalent of 700 .

A price that can not be called cheap, but that appears relatively less exorbitant when you consider that the new 4G 16GB iPad costs € 599 and that offers little more than the tablet. For 100 instead we find ourselves in a more powerful smartphone, a keyboard dock and a pen stylus to talk (I know it sounds strange, but it serves to call if the phone is dockato).

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