LG shows in Milan and its new 3D TV

LG has introduced its new TVs in Milan and its latest 3D solutions for home entertainment. The new generation of 3D TVs from LG allows a much more immersive, while increasing the convenience and usability of this new technology. The main innovation is to use passive glasses that are very light and comfortable, it is also without battery, are very economical and practical use everyday. Another feature of the new system is to have no flicker, and provides more comfort for the eyes of the spectators and sharper images, crisp, blur-free.

LG has also thought about the broadcasts and movies can be easily converted to 2D and in 3D thanks to some functions of TV sets could also adjust certain parameters such as depth. This is very useful because the viewer can adjust the three-dimensional effect to suit their tastes, allowing each user to have a comfortable viewing of 3D. LG also offers some great solutions for even the sound 3D images that help to transport the viewer into the movie, ensuring a unique and comparable to that of a cinema.

Included with every new generation of 3D television Korean brand, in addition to the traditional remote control, even the Magic Motion controller that makes the experience of the LG Smart TV even easier. The new remote control makes it possible to use a pointer on the screen as the computer mouse, the user can move the cursor by moving the remote control, a system similar to that seen on the Nintendo Wii. The Magic Motion Remote Control also integrates a wheel that allows you to scroll through pages with ease and greatly improves the consultation web pages.

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