Project Glass: The World Seen dall'occhiale hi-tech Google - pictures and videos

Google has now started to share the first official information on the Glass Project, which is the augmented reality device with visor overlay (HUD) worn like a pair of spectacles, which at the end of February we had shot the first rumors.

The gadget is still at a conceptual level and the actual technology is available, but need to see if it will be mature enough to enable the development of an effective product. Above all the computing power will be the first hurdle, because the Syrians as to Apple speech recognition will be the primary interface. This is followed by a video camera "permanent", GPS, microphone, and the ubiquitous network connectivity. All in one package?

The page on Google + houses a gallery (which will present anew) designed to give us an idea of what it might look like the device, followed by a demonstration video (after the break) that shows the day from a subjective point of view of a person equipped with hi-tech eyewear. The article continues after the break.

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