Apple recognizes the new iPad is not optimal in the battery charging

Apple acknowledged the weakness of their third series tablet products, although not explicitly. In addition to easy to heat, there are new problems that are found in this product. Reportedly, the iPad third series often show signs that the battery is full but the device still continues to charge while the battery is full. This brought confusion to the users of this new iPad, is it really is full or not full when full battery sign out.

Apple confirmed that the existing process of filling in the features in the iPhone, iPad, and iPod are all very similar and allow the device to maintain the optimal charging. Device with nearly 100 percent, 100 percent will be written immediately. Charger will continue charging to 100%. But if it is full, the battery will keep dicharging, because Apple wants optimum battery life when used.

So, Apple did admit that the new iPad a little trouble on the battery indicator, because although technically already listed the 100 percent, but has not really tercharge 100%.

Good explanation of Apple's quite a relief for users of this new iPad because the battery indicator did not affected the core of the device itself.

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