Three state-funded projects to increase energy efficiency of ICT will present their results

More than 10 percent of the total electricity demand in Germany immigrated in 2010 in information and telecommunication technologies (ICTs). And this value will inevitably rise in the coming years as more people using mobile services and cloud technologies, precisely because the ICT applications so comfortable. Ergo, the number of products and their usage for a disproportionately. Although ICTs are already constantly improved in terms of energy efficiency, but still they need but also more and more energy and resources.

To take this into account, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, various projects under the Technology Programme IT2Green. Three of these projects will now be presented with their results at the CeBIT in Hanover (6 to 10 March in Hall 26, Stand G50). All three want to improve the energy efficiency, the project AC4DC shows, for example by means of a data center, which device-level optimization, data center and data center-level cross are possible. ComGreen other hand, is a project that deals with the optimization of transmission capacity of telecommunications networks for mobile users, while the project GreenPAD new opportunities for energy optimization of ICT for regional economic and knowledge clusters discovered.

In total, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology to develop by 2014 ten collaborative projects with some 30 million , all with the aim of cross-system solutions for more energy efficiency of ICT and to test

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