Apple's iTV Will not Release Until 2013

Apple iTV, the latest generation of TV that is rumored to run on the operating system IOS began widely heard. According to research group Asian (CLSA), the latest Apple TV device will not appear until 2013.

As reported by on Thursday (3/29/2012), the presence of anticipated Apple iTV has been quite public, revealing CLSA TV LCD screen will be adopted from one of the largest electronics companies in Japan, the Sharp. Although this year the public should await the presence of the iTV at home, but at least there has been little leaks about the release year.

The information revealed about the iTV is revealed, the device will have 40-inch screen and there are applications that can run at 720p resolution. Nothing remotely like other traditional TV, but uses a feature Siri to be in control or command.

Siri feature allows users to control the television using a sound. Previous leaks also revealed that Apple's iTV will support iCloud and users can access some websites like Netflix, Flickr, and Youtube.

Apple's iTV device will reportedly feature iSight Camera, which has never been used on other Apple gadgets. Apple iTV can also run the program Skype, which supports the Apple FaceTime.

Not only that, a keyboard is also embedded on the screen, which allows viewers to surf the web, do a video chat and can use social media sites like Twitter and Facebook all without physical interface.

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