This year The number of Smart Devices to Reach 1M

A new study from International Data Corporation (IDC) has predicted that this year there will be shipping the Smart Connected Devices (SCD) approximately more than one billion units. SCD is a category consisting of PCs, tablets and smart phones.

In addition, IDC also predicts growth in the IOS platform by 17 percent in 2016. According to the study, the market share on the IOS platform to grow from 14.6 percent last year, to 17.3 percent in 2016.

In a recent study, IDC estimates that last year there were 916 million units of the device and USD489 billion in revenues generated through the SCD to the company. As reported by Appleinsider, Thursday (03/29/2012).

IDC predicts this year will be no delivery of the SCD of 1.1 billion units worldwide. IDC also estimates that SCD delivery device for two-fold to nearly 2 billion units in 2016.

"Whether the consumer is looking for a phone that opens some application ecosystem. Business seems to lead to a tablet device in their environment (consumers) or to the institution that can be used to update computers in their schools. Device is a smart, able to connect, capable of performing the calculation, the function such devices could play an important role in the lives of individuals, "said Bob O'Donnell, vice president, IDC.

Meanwhile, devices running the Android operating system with ARM kitchen runway is expected to experience low growth, which is 29.4 percent to 31.1 percent in 2016.

"The growth of the Android platform is directly associated with the deployment of devices that have a low price tag. We expect dozens of hardware vendors to have a part in the Android market. Then, we also expect most developers to continue to focus on the IOS platform, as users of this IOS platform have proven willing to pay for high quality applications. "said Tom Mainelli, research director at IDC.

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