Epson Moverio BT-100, eyeglasses with embedded projectors based on Android

Epson has decided to launch the Moverio BT-100, a pair of goggles with built-in projector with a high technological content. The shape and style are not the best, but the idea is good.

Epson has launched these glasses on the Japanese market, which is particularly sensitive to this kind of gadget. In the Far East the functions of mobile TV are very popular on smartphones, just as an example. Here with us is rather difficult to convince someone to wear a pair of glasses that would suggest a serious eye problems just to see a movie.

The BT-100 is still a fine machine. Their "brains" is telecomandino with Android and the touch pad is used to control the operating system via the usual buttons. The integrated projector consists of a pair of micro emitters that create a "display" virtual 960 × 540 pixels, which appears as if it were floating in five feet from our faces. The screen is translucent and allows us to see where we are going.

The set of glasses can also surf the Internet or even drive a AR.Drone, due to its potential Wi Fi works like a regular tablet, in fact. The space inside is 1GB and can accept microSD up to 32GB of capacity. The cost is not exactly popular, since it reaches $ 700.

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