Foxconn Add 20 Thousand Workers for iPhone 5?

China manufacturing company that Apple is rumored to be a colleague is looking for an additional 20 thousand workers. Rumor-desusnya, additional workers immediately indicates the start of making the iPhone 5.

Slashgear proclaimed on Thursday (3/29/2012), the report is obtained from a local newspaper in Shanxi province. the report notes that Foxconn factories quickly find the number of workers, to work on iPhone production orders 5.

When considering the pattern of the release of Apple devices, it appears that this smart phone will slide this year.

In addition, rumors had circulated about the iPhone 5 specification says that Apple has ordered Retina Display screen with 4.6 inches wide. The new generation iPhone is expected to attend in the summer (June or July) 2012.

Meanwhile, another newspaper mentioning that Apple claims a patent futuristic called "binding protocol" that allows users to send image files, video, documents, and so forth. These activities are carried out using a data connection to the listener when communicating over the phone.

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