Troubled New iPad, Apple Refund Offer

The new iPad buyers in Australia will get an offer refund (refund) from Apple. The reason, a consumer watchdog in the land of the Kangaroo was sued kekliruan ad on one of the features of the product.

Proclaimed by Reuters on Wednesday (3/28/2012), the error in question is labeled 4G tablet. Yet because of differences in mobile networks, this connectivity can not function in many countries.

CRN launched the site, the only operator that offers services Australia is Telstra Corp. 4G network. These operators use 1800MHz spectrum, with support for HSPA + connection at a frequency of 850MHz in some wilyaah.

Meanwhile, 4G connectivity in the new Apple iPad, nonetheless designed to support the 700MHz spectrum that is generally adopted by the operators of the United States. For example, AT & T and Verizon.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has taken legal action related to it. The goal is to make sure Apple will realize that the iPad third-generation customers, can not connect to the 4G network in Australia due to technical incompatibility.

Apple also agreed to give notice that, new iPad creation is not compatible with 4G and WiMAX networks that exist in Australia today.

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