Google will produce and will be selling a tablet on its own

The rumors of a return on the consumer market, Google has been chased for months and the Wall Street Journal gets on the bandwagon, making it more credible because of its influence and showing off "rumors", "credible sources" and "some well-informed": the second tested the Google project is that someone had already envisaged, namely to sell its own tablet.

With the purchase of Motorola and a few "chats" with Samsung and Asustek, sembrebbe that Google considers to be ready to address this market, which in the field of consumer technology is perhaps the most dangerous of all.

In the world of the tablet at the moment there are only three names that can boast of real gains or a significant penetration of the market: in the first place we have with Apple's iPad, which has defined the market and continues to reign undisturbed. In second place is Amazon, which apparently does not earn directly with its cheap but good Kindle Fire, but has spread like wildfire and basa their fortunes on the content. In third place is Asus, which with its products such as Transformers Prime was able to carve a niche and gain the trust of customers, but that is very detached.

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