LG will launch next month the first flexible e-paper display market

Now we hear about from time immemorial, and every time, in recent years, it has come to think that he could become a tangible reality, then in fact it never happened. Well, now we finally arrived at a turning point: in fact, LG has promised the launch of a flexible display from April, ie in a few weeks.
This is a paper-and 6-inch grayscale with resolution 1024 x 768p, which promises to revolutionize the ebook reader market, with the ability to be bent to 40 degrees without breaking and other interesting properties that would treat plastic than glass.
Lighter weight, thinner, resistance to falls and blows, LG could even hit the screen in question with a plastic hammer without damage. So would this really the future of our devices on-the-go?
Why do not you think that the thing runs out with e-paper and ebook reader: in fact, Samsung has already promised long ago flexible AMOLED display for 2012 (or 2013?), To be used to enter what could possibly become a new technological era for smartphones (and why not for the tablet?).
Remains one concern: sooner or later someone will think the battery issue? Our mobile devices are increasingly essential to our work and our leisure, and therefore should guarantee us a longer life than the current landscape. Especially if we take the field as advanced features such as AMOLED, beautiful for God's sake, but just frugal decisamnete

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