The future of phone booths in New York

Do you remember the dear, old telephone booths? Those that were in vogue when cell phones were not even a fantasy and when to be able to meet outside the home the only way was to be on time?

Well, while here we are now rare in New York phone booths are to be reborn to new life, projected to present a decidedly futuristic. The idea is to install smart 32-inch screens in the above, can provide multiple services.

Not only so phone calls, but also connecting to the internet applications with information about the neighborhood (shopping, entertainment, traffic, streets) and a means to communicate with the city administration, to remind users to take advantage deadlines and payments. Of course there will be various advertising, with the clear purpose of financing the business.

Screens will be resistant to water and dust, so that they can be washed very simply and very frequently, to avoid as much as possible to the spread of germs due to contact. Nicholas Sbordone, spokesman for the Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications in New York, said that it will be a pilot project to balance the response of citizens and possibly even expand the offering to metro stations. Who would love the phone booths as well?

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