Nike opens for developers the API NikeFuel

We spoke in January bracelet Nike + Fuelband, a gadget with a waterproof digital indicator LED and colorful, a real "energy loading bar" as in a game that clearly shows us how close we are to our goal of training.

The wearable technologies are in vogue these days, and are in their sports development environment perfectly. Connect to our smart-something via Bluetooth, these gadgets make it light and fun our training, and contribute to the ease with which you can share these results with friends.

Now Nike has announced that the beta of API bracelet is out and available to developers, which means that the Fuelband can be easily connected to any app or other related technologies. The API access is limited to developers who were present all'SXSWi of Austin, but surely this limitation will be removed shortly.

The producers of the world iPhone app so much of that Android will certainly make it even more interesting life of sport technology in the coming months.

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