Tablet and smartphones? While watching TV ...

A survey published by Nielsen showed that the homes of users there is still a technological device that frankly seemed almost forgotten: the television. Not only that: it seems that the substrate aggieggio is preferred when using devices such as smartphones or tablet, at least in America.

The owners of 88% of tablet and 86% of U.S. smartphone owners would use the same fact in while watching TV, to check emails or look for products advertised by the small screen. In the UK the trend is similar, while the Italians and Germans seem less inclined to "multitasking" medial.

Perhaps this information tells us much about the quality of Italian television, but that's another story. It 's rather interesting to see how old devices and new generation can coexist simultaneously, rimbambendo definitely the average user.

Not only did the tv or just the tablet (or smartphone), no: you must use them together and remain strong, necessarily, always connected. Nothing to do: I am convinced that sooner or later become a single being, we and our devices: no longer outside of us, but literally attacked us. And the thing, as the technology is one of the most beautiful things of this world, quite frankly scares me. Possible that once you experience the thrill of being constantly immersed in the virtual sharing no longer able to live without?

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